Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What's in a Name?

Some friends and family have asked, "How did you choose the name 'Moore Samuel'?" We've had some wild guesses about the name "Moore." Since "Moore" is a well-known surname in the U.S., some have guessed that we named our son after a surname. Most people would not guess that it is a family name from Bob's side of the family. Bob's maternal grandfather's first name was Moore. Moore Wellson Laloo was a Church of God pastor for over 50 years in Meghalaya, India. He was an incredible man of God who loved God and his family. Grandpa Moore had a big influence in Bob's life, telling Bob the first Bible stories he ever heard and always showing love.

For those who knew Jenny's dad, you probably guessed that our son's middle name comes from Sam (Dunbar). Jenny's father's full name was George Samuel Dunbar, so "Samuel" was actually his middle name as well, but he went by "Sam." He was also a Church of God pastor for over three decades.

What do we call our son? We call him Moore; however, we will use the nickname "Sam" when we speak in French.

We thank God for two incredible men who profoundly influenced our lives and we pray our son will also be a strong man who takes after his grandfather, Sam, and his great grandfather, Moore.

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